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Cancer Care

Advanced Alternative Therapies

A cancer diagnosis doesn't have to stop you from pursuing your dreams, goals, and living your life! At MedCAiRE Health Clinics, a premier integrative oncology centre, patients receive access to more personalized treatments, offering a renewed opportunity to embrace life. Our functional medicine practitioners complement cutting-edge cancer care with advanced alternative therapies, extending beyond the limits of traditional chemotherapy, radiation, and invasive surgeries.

What Are the Most Common Types of Cancer?

Cancer can develop anywhere in the body. For women, breast cancer is among the most frequent, while prostate cancer is prevalent in men. Both men and women are also commonly affected by lung and colorectal cancers.

Cancer generally falls into five primary categories:

  • Carcinomas – originate in the skin or tissues lining internal organs.
  • Sarcomas – form in bones, cartilage, fat, muscle, or other connective tissues.
  • Leukemia – arises in the blood and bone marrow.
  • Lymphomas – affect the immune system.
  • Central nervous system cancers – develop in the brain and spinal cord.

How We Can Help

At MedCAiRE Health Clinics, we approach cancer with utmost seriousness and are committed to uncovering its root causes. By using a variety of testing methods, we gain deeper insights into the nature of the cancer, allowing us to address it more effectively. This process also helps identify and strengthen weaknesses in the immune system, enabling us to apply targeted treatments to boost immune defenses and reduce the risk of recurrence or metastasis.

The Most Advanced Cancer Care Available

Recent studies have shown that each cancer is unique to the individual. For treatment to be effective, it must account for the distinct mutations and factors driving that particular cancer. Targeted cancer therapy, an innovative approach to chemotherapy, uses genome testing and specialized treatments based on the latest advancements in medical science.

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